Starting or Rechartering? Easy and Straightforward
The Young Democrats of South Carolina is an organization powered by its members. If YDSC is to succeed as a state organization, there must be active, thriving local and regional organizations. Whether that organization is a regional club (i.e.: the Ashley Cooper Young Democrats), a college organization that wishes to organize under YDSC (i.e.: the Claflin Young Democrats), or a county organization (i.e.: the Young Democrats of Greenville County), all Young Democrats organizations wishing to charter with the Young Democrats of South Carolina must do the following:

Get at least four other members including yourself
Call a meeting to draft a constitution for the club
Elect a president to represent your club at the region level/Elect a chair to represent your region on the YDSC Executive Council
Fill out this chartering form, and
Turn in a spreadsheet with all of your current members and officers to secretary@youngdemssc.org. Local chapters will turn their membership lists to their region secretary--who will then turn them in to the state secretary.
Pay a $25.00 chartering fee, and turn this in with your packet.